(614) 253-8501 or (800) 870-3795
Support group to help alcoholics achieve sobriety and stop drinking
Eligibility: males and females, teens and adults
No cost and 24-hour service
(614) 252-1700
24-hour answering service
Return call can offer lay-help for drug issues
Counselors on staff; will match caller’s needs with an appropriate referral to local treatment.
(800) 477-6291
Weekly support groups for family members and friends who know or have known a feeling of desperation due to the addiction problem of someone close to them.
Al-Anon and Alateen of Central Ohio
(614) 547-1550
The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope, in order to solve their common problems.
(614) 252-8402
Amethyst focuses on single women and reuniting families by offering recovery in an integrated, family-centered environment to give women and children collective hope and opportunity to truly break the cycle of poverty and addiction.
Medication Assisted Treatment for Addiction
Adolescent Medicine Clinic
495 E. Main Street, Suite B
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 355-8614
(614) 276-CARE (614- 276-2273)
Mental health and substance abuse crisis services
Crisis services available 24/7, walk in or via phone
This is a referral agency; they set up appointments for mental health/substance abuse services at other local providers.
National Helpline 1-855-DRUGFREE
We help parents whose children are abusing drugs or alcohol take effective action to support their loved one.
Calls are free and confidential
Open Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm ET
Closed weekends and holidays
English and Spanish
Southeast, Inc. Family Program
Office-based group and individual counseling for teens with substance abuse problems, psychiatry, family counseling.
1455 South 4th Street
Columbus, OH 43207
(614) 444-0800
Family Education Program-Helping Families Heal from Addiction
(614) 257-3760
Talbot Hall Rm 213
University Hospital East
1492 East Broad St
Columbus OH 43205
175 South Third Street, Suite 900
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Email: support@recoveryisbeautiful.org
Phone: 614.224.1111
7 N. Congress St.
Athens, OH 45701
A community support program promoting recovery for adults coping with mental illness. We foster recovery by encouraging participants to help and support one another, promoting community involvement and meaningful activity, and by enhancing personal development, well-being, and healthy living.